Yes. It’s true. Boo Radley exists and he lives in a tree in my backyard. At first I was creeped out. Then I was confused. Now I can’t imagine any other way.

It all started three weeks ago when my backpack was stolen. And with my backpack, my collection of cool pins. Needless to say, I was heartbroken. I even sent a text message to the stealer of said backpack (and consequently my cell phone), telling him/her that he/she could keep my computer and wallet, but I really wanted my math notes and pins back.

Three weeks later, I have received neither pins nor math notes, nor has anyone given me pie. But the world did send me Boo Radley. About a week ago, my housemate and I were leaving our crib when mine eye spotted something red lying on the cold, grey pavement that I liken to the heart of my backpack stealer. I picked up the little velvet pouch and what was inside? A pin! Yes!

A couple of days later I really wanted something from this vending machine but I was 25 cents short. After several people declined my offer to buy my soul for a quarter, I dragged my empty stomach home where I was greeted by something shiny on the front step. Can you guess what it was? That’s right – a dime. Not only is Boo Radley financially supporting me, he is also teaching me the virtue of patience. What a hero.

If that’s not evidence of Boo Radley, then I don’t know what is.

Final score:
Heather – 1
Person who stole my backpack – 3 (seriously, those were nice pins)
Squirrel who got the bag of trail mix I dropped on the ground this afternoon – 17

How sweet it is.