In June I moved into an apartment with a temperamental refrigerator. It makes noises like this:

nnnnnnnnnnnn ssssKKKKRRRRRsssggggzzzz KawEEEEEEEEEEEE

I continue to live in this apartment at great peril to myself. I suspect the refrigerator will explode at any moment. I try to appease it by not overloading it with stuff or asking it to be too cold. In fact, I let it not be cold and have had food poisoning 4 times. Apparently “chicken” is supposed to be kept “cold”. Anyway, it is a delicate dance (see what I did there?!) between not having the refrigerator explode and having foodstuffs that don’t make me vomit.

I like that I write these things just to entertain myself, but sometimes other people read them. This is what the internet was made for.